Your ratings are important to us!

With a lot of passion we search for products of highest quality for you - every day. However, it is ultimately up to you to rate our service and our products. Because you use them every day.

That is why it is important to us that your feedback helps other customers to make the right choice. And that we can become even better.

In the product reviews you can give other customers your experience with the product and helpful tips for use. For this purpose you will receive a link by e-mail after your order. This way you help other customers to make the right choice.

At this point you can tell our customers and us your general experiences, wishes and reviews. We are looking forward to your feedback.

Help us and become a consultant - from customers for customers. Rate our shop, our service and our products. It only takes a few minutes and helps a lot.
We would like to thank you very much for this.

Your team of
Gentleman Accessoires

Legal notice about reviews

Each consumer review is checked for authenticity before it is published, so that it is ensured that reviews only come from consumers who have actually purchased/used the reviewed products, or in the case of general store reviews, that the consumers have previously ordered from us.
The verification is done by manual check in the form of a comparison of the rating with the order history of the ERP system to make a previous product purchase a necessary condition for publication.

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I have read the data protection information.

  • Perfect

    Very good, nicely packed and products exactly as described. I will order again.

  • very good service

    Great products. I will order again